Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bryce's First Haircut

I took Bryce to get his first haircut today.  As usual, he was the best behaved out of my three children.  Payton cried throughout her entire first haircut.  Braydon cried for most of his first haircut as well.  Bryce had a few moments of uncertainty, but for the most part he stayed strong.  Bryce's first birthday is next week, so I figured I should go ahead and get his haircut.  It was getting long around the ears and he did have a tail.  I waited as long as I could to get that haircut.  

Braydon's hair is so thick that he needed another haircut even though it had only been 2 weeks since his last one.  I had handed Braydon's haircut duty over to David because Braydon would  cry so much, during a cut.  But, David took him to Sports Clips and Braydon never got a good cut there.  Twice they cut his hair straight across the front.  He looked like Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber.  No more of that.  

Of course if Bryce and Braydon were getting their hair cut, Payton had to too.  She finally lets me fix her hair now.  She gets excited to get her hair cut.  It's so funny, because she used to cry and cry during cuts too.  I'm glad we're past that.

I spent $60 on haircuts!  Crazy!

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